Our Quality Of Life

About the Author

I was born in the mid 40’s and grew up in a small community in upstate New York. The 1950’s played an intracule part in my formative education. It molded me. It was a simpler time but we will talk more about that as we travel together. The 1960’s were a major transition in societal norms and very influential for those living thru it. “Times were a changing!” and so was I. “Stop and Smell the Roses” is a cliché I failed to grasp as a young person. No time! Now in the Autumn of my life, and it has been a full one, I felt I would like to share some thoughts and maybe others might find some value in them. Our Quality of Life is a subject we all could reflect on. We all have our own story and I hope yours is a good one.

Emily Davis