Our Quality Of Life

"prefix" a Double Edge Sword

An observation of political discord undermining the soul of America.  Political parties appear to be intentionally the festering force in divisiveness.  What do I mean?  They seem to divide us into tribal groups to target our allegiance to their objective of political control. 

Examples:  Italian American, Irish American, African American, Jewish American, Chinese American, Native American, Gay American, Bisexual American, Transgender American, Heterosexual American, Liberal American, Conservative American, and so on.  They break us down by religion, color, sexual preference, the country we originated from, etc. 

But here is the bottom line don’t let them do it!  Yes, you may take pride in your heritage and beliefs but we all are “Americans”, the “Melting Pot” of the world.  Our strength and pride come from our diversity and melding together for the betterment of all.  It is a gift our forefathers gave us don’t let political forces divide us. 

We are Americans.  Be proud of it. Drop the prefix!  I think then we can look at each other with less divisiveness, animosity, and more understanding that we are all in the same boat together and we make a better world for it.