life, Author at Our Quality Of Life Just another WordPress site Sat, 19 Nov 2022 20:38:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194744104 Elementor #2047 Sat, 19 Nov 2022 20:14:29 +0000 Off to Bentonville Chapter 3 Now you might ask, why Bentonville?  Better still, where is Bentonville? Again why?  Well, if you must know, it was for business.  Did not have to be there, could have been accomplished by phone, but my presence was requested; no it was demanded!  If you happen to be unaware, Bentonville …

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Off to Bentonville

Chapter 3

Now you might ask, why Bentonville?  Better still, where is Bentonville? Again why?  Well, if you must know, it was for business.  Did not have to be there, could have been accomplished by phone, but my presence was requested; no it was demanded!  If you happen to be unaware, Bentonville is the headquarters for “Wal-Mart”.  The image to the right is the original store and a fun place to visit.

Back to fun!

Well, I had been there many times before but this time we took the side road and the drive was magnificent.  After taking US 40 we hopped on 71 North and the scenery was beautiful.  We stopped for a snack at a small restaurant with an old soda fountain which was very nostalgic and a pleasant divergence.

All kidding aside, Bentonville is a beautiful thriving community.  They have many great features but to us one really stands out and that is Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. It is a gift to the community and the world by the Waltons and they should be commended for it. 

We have been there a number of times and they do a fantastic job of displaying art of multiple catagorries of genre.  Just a great place to visit.

Business is over and time to move on.  Topeka here we come!  Say where?

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Highway to Heaven Tue, 02 Aug 2022 12:11:12 +0000 Chapter 2 Where was I?  Oh yes, after a splendid lunch in Nashville we headed west digesting all the way.  Now we determined Memphis was going to be our overnight allowing us to partake in the wild festivities of Beale Street.  Now this street was not unfamiliar to us.  Many memories were forged there.  I …

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Chapter 2

Where was I?  Oh yes, after a splendid lunch in Nashville we headed west digesting all the way.  Now we determined Memphis was going to be our overnight allowing us to partake in the wild festivities of Beale Street. 

Now this street was not unfamiliar to us.  Many memories were forged there.  I had a cousin and his family was from Memphis as were some close friends who had made Memphis their home.

Beale Street has it all restaurants, pubs, clubs, and dives.  Enough to fill your appetite for fun and adventure.  After some pulled pork and ribs and my partner had her catfish and greens, we took in some smooth sound at B.B. King’s Blues Club.  It was time to rest.


The next day after a hearty breakfast, (life revolves around food, get the picture?) we headed to Graceland to pay homage to the King. What more can I say except I think I will flock felt the walls in our home or add pleated fabric just to maintain the memory.  I still have a tear in my eyes just thinking of his presence.

Of course, we had to pass by Sun Records, it’s just the proper thing to do.  It is Memphis! 

And back on the road again.

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On the Road Again Tue, 26 Jul 2022 18:16:06 +0000 Chapter 1 I don’t know how many of you have had the time, opportunity, or daydreamed about just stopping what you are doing and getting on the road with very little planning, or spur of the moment.  Neither did we until we just decided to do it.    Planning: Going from point A to point …

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Chapter 1

I don’t know how many of you have had the time, opportunity, or daydreamed about just stopping what you are doing and getting on the road with very little planning, or spur of the moment.  Neither did we until we just decided to do it. 



Going from point A to point B on the super highway was the travel by choice too often.  Had to get there!! No time to waste! Blah, blah, blah!

Not this time, it was time to see what we missed?  Or at least put an effort into it!


Where shall we go? How to decide?  I would pin a map on the wall and throw darts!  A brilliant idea she would not let me do.  Holes in the wall!  Some people overthink things!


Recommendation:  We have been members of Triple “A” for years and it has proved well worth the investment in travel tips and discounts, towing, flat tire, battery, and fuel help when needed.  I highly suggest a membership if you are going on the road.  Whether it is AAA service or a similar one, get it for a little peace of mind!


It was time to get serious.  This trip we decided would take us from Atlanta, GA, and west through the heartland of America. 

At the last minute, I had to go to Bentonville, Arkansas for business so the first destination was preordained.  Ok, because of time we used the highway. I know not in the plan but we did stop for lunch in Nashville.  This is a unique community and a fun place to visit like the Grand Ole Opry and the Honky Tonk Highway off of Broadway will provide your fill of food, drink, and entertainment and make Nashville memorable.

We did not partake in the festivities on this trip, we just ate!


Off towards Memphis, Elvis here we come!

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Reputation Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:06:02 +0000 Honor, Quality, and Service are three words if applied to business would equal Reputation.  Not too far back in our history, this was the cornerstone for a successful business.  Lacking in any one or combination of these qualities had a direct impact on your business standing in the community.  Respect in the community trumped everything …

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Honor, Quality, and Service are three words if applied to business would equal Reputation.  Not too far back in our history, this was the cornerstone for a successful business.  Lacking in any one or combination of these qualities had a direct impact on your business standing in the community.  Respect in the community trumped everything else.


I am blessed with two beautiful daughters who are married to wonderful husbands.  They intern have blessed me with four grandchildren which are my pride and joy.  The young ones always want me to tell them stories about my life growing up as a child.  They kid me about the lack of modern conveniences and gadgets of my childhood and they can’t believe how I survived without them like IPhones, texting, video games, Super Malls, ATMs, Credit Cards, and so on.


One day I decided to tell them how bad off we were.  I guess by modern standards we were lower middle income to poor.  My Father was the single breadwinner, and a teacher, and my Mom was a homemaker but I like to refer to her as the Coordinating General of the family. 


Now Mom loved her soap operas and my Father, Sister, and I knew our daily existence around the house revolved around this fact.  “The Edge of Night” and the “Secret Storm” were two of her favorites. These facts I did not relay to the kids, they just wouldn’t get it.


I did make the Grandchildren aware we had a “private line” phone in our house; forget about explaining a “party line” it would get mixed up in translation with present implications.  As a side note, our phone number consisted of only three single-digit numbers and was quite simple to remember.  I did not tell them this; I didn’t want to show off.  And by the way, if I forgot a number I just dial “O” for information and some nice lady would be happy to help me, no extra charge. 

Ahh, service is a fleeting dying vice.


Well, this phone was my Moms tool of her trade.  Her world revolved around this convenience.  She called our grocer with her order.  They would fill it and have it delivered to our home. No extra charge. They even billed Mom which she paid every two weeks.  She had the same routine as the butcher. I can hear her now instructing him as to the various cuts of meat and poultry she was planning to serve for this week.  The dairy products were delivered to the house by the local dairy which included orange juice and on special occasions even chocolate milk. 


During the summer months, there was a bakery truck that came by and we went aboard to make our selection. The aroma of fresh baked goods was delightful.

Dinner was promptly served at 5:30.  All were required to be present.  We were all willing participants as Mom was a great cook.


It was sad to see the expressions on the faces of my offspring when I informed them we did not have cell phones or texting to communicate with the world at the table.  All we had was each other for conversation and that has made all the difference. 

They could not believe we drank water from the taps in our house, even the outside taps on a hot summer day.  I think this almost brought them to tears.  They felt so sad for me that I was denied the opportunity to shlep home gallon jugs of water from the supermarket.


When my Dad took his car to be fueled at the service station (yes it was called a “Service” Station for a reason) he did not fuel the car himself, an attendant did it for him. In the course of the process, another would check the air in the tires while the first attendant would scurry around the car washing the windshield, side mirrors, headlights, and brake lights.


Ahh the misery of it all, the unbearable human suffering we were put through during this time of my life.

So here is the bottom line.  We had no franchise stores in our town.  They were all small privately owned by members of our community.  And yes we did not have the large variety offered today by big box stores.  Frankly, it was not something I missed as a child.  What we did have was community.  Each shopkeeper took an interest in his customer because in many cases they were friends.  Quality and service were not just words they were deeds.  Profit was expected in the course of doing business but it was prefaced and understood to be “fair” profit.  Reputation, on the other hand, was not negotiable it was expected to be high and offered willingly and it was.

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Relevance Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:05:31 +0000 Jimmy Stewart’s portrayal of a person questioning his relevance to family, friends, and community in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” should give pause to all of us to ponder the hustle and bustle of lives we lead and ask ourselves; How relevant are we?   I personally never thought in these terms.  I felt …

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Jimmy Stewart’s portrayal of a person questioning his relevance to family, friends, and community in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” should give pause to all of us to ponder the hustle and bustle of lives we lead and ask ourselves; How relevant are we?


I personally never thought in these terms.  I felt it was a bit self-serving, especially for a narcissist.

A friend of mine from my hometown who I have known since high school called me out of the blue.  She said that a mutual friend of ours whom I had not seen or heard from for many years had called her to get my contact information.  It seems while reflecting on his past and success memories came flooding back and he wanted to talk to me about it. I was curious so she gave me his phone number and suggested I call him.  So I did.


He was glad to hear from me. After a little reminiscing, he got serious and began this tale.   As we grew up together I thought I knew him but I did not.  I lived in town so I was a “townie” and he lived on the outskirts.  I did not know his father had died while he was young and was raised by his mom.  Although he appeared as an average middle-class child he said finances were always a struggle in his family but he was proud of his mother and thankful for all she had done and provided for him and his siblings.

I was taken by his story and frankly found it quite touching, but I still had no idea what this had to do with me.


He continued.  He said when he was in high school college was the furthest from his mind.  Grades were ok although the course of study he was taking was not college-bound material and the limited finances available to him made it prohibitive. The future looked bleak.  The possibility of going down the wrong road looked real.


By now I was getting a little antsy; I said you are a very successful business and family man and I don’t know what you are talking about …….and before I could finish my tirade into frustration ( I don’t have much lasting patience) he said, “WAIT!!  Hang in there and you will see.

He said, “Do you remember the Cooperative Work Experience and Study Program offered in high school.  I said I do vaguely as I believe my father, who was a teacher, was the one who created it.  He said that’s right.  It seems he had uncovered some articles stowed away in his house which he had cut out from our local paper and saved when we were in high school.  It showed a picture of him and a story about my Dad.  It seems my friend was on the verge of dropping out of school when my father intervened and persuaded him to join his program.


The way it worked was students were matched up with local businesses that were willing to take on trainees to learn a craft while they also went to school to finish their education. 

My friend was matched and went to work with a very successful commercial heating and cooling contractor.  He learned drafting in school and used this skill on his job.  Slowly but surely he moved up the ladder and continued there even after graduation.  The experience and knowledge he gained were immeasurable.


He said, “now here is where you come in.”  I never had the opportunity to appropriately tell your Dad what I am about to tell you (my Dad has been gone for over twenty-five years). But now later in my life, I realize I have to tell you because the impact on me has been so profound. 

He said simply, “Your Father changed my life.”

 Frankly, I don’t know what would have become of me, and dwelling on such a thought is haunting.  But your Dad cared about me and many others like me. He was our teacher, and mentor and we owe him a great deal of gratitude, and I wanted you to know.


I thanked my friend for his kind words it meant a lot to me and my family.

“Relevance”, is a simple word with a huge meaning.  The impact one might have on another might not be immediately recognized but might make a huge unforeseen change in another’s life.

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One Shoe at a Time Wed, 29 Jun 2022 18:01:06 +0000 “Perspective “is a simple word. In many ways, an all-encompassing word yet in most cases fails to influence a young person’s mind. When you are young the possibilities of life are boundless.  The bounty of fruit is there for the picking for those driven to partake of its succulent juice.  There is no restriction to …

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“Perspective “is a simple word. In many ways, an all-encompassing word yet in most cases fails to influence a young person’s mind. When you are young the possibilities of life are boundless.  The bounty of fruit is there for the picking for those driven to partake of its succulent juice.  There is no restriction to your lust for one’s life’s appetite.


As a young man, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work for and surround myself with elders who were masters of success.  I was not special, just a young sponge wanting to soak up a little knowledge. 


Three of these individuals, who happened to be distant cousins of mine, were brothers, and believe me Midas had nothing over these financial savants for everything they touched seemed to turn to gold.

These brothers were very different in expertise but together they were a unified force.  The business was real estate development. One was a high-caliber corporate lawyer.  Another was a builder who was second to none in his field. And the third was what I would call the frontman, the deal maker or the negotiator personified.  Together they seemed to be professionally unstoppable.

Their accomplishments were many.  In the area of home building in the 1960s, they were building thousands of homes to the point where they were named builders of the year.  They built and owned numerous US Post Offices scattered across the country.  When I started working for them they were building and owning shopping centers again covering many states. 

As I implied before they did not chase opportunities.  Opportunities came willingly to them. 


Now I was being trained to be a construction superintendent for shopping center construction and learning development negotiation. The operation was quite simple in its form considering the magnitude of the operation.  Our corporate office was a basic one-story non-descript block building. Just two of the brothers operated out of there.  The lawyer was part-time as he had his successful law practice.

They employed one and a half bookkeepers (one was part-time), and that was it as to the corporate staff. 

When I went on the road to build a shopping center three others employed by the company would join me. They were two master masons and one labor foreman.  That was it.  We would hire the necessary additional personnel on-site, just to meet the needs for that job.

It was a very lean operation, to say the least, and very financially solvent.

When I thought about the overall operation I just chucked it off as frugality was an ingredient to their success.  Besides who was I to question their motives. 

But I did.


One day in a leisure moment I happened to be alone with my negotiator cousin.  We were just chatting about family and a little business.  In the course of the conversation, I had to ask him “Why are you not enlarging the company,” building more, bigger everything. Just like the big national developer down the road from us.  Surely we have the capability he has.

I guess it was a question of a typical naive young up-and-comer might ask. 



He smiled and slowly responded. When he was young in the home-building phase of his career he had a larger operation with many more employees. Not quite as many as the big developer down the street in the high-rise office building with about 400 employees but many more than we have today.  We build within our means.  We are rewarded accordingly and we all live very comfortably family-oriented lives.  He continued and named the builder down the street.  He is financially stretched.  He is responsible for the lives of a very large staff and although his potential for earning a greater fortune he might have some very sleepless nights in the pursuit of it. 


But here is the real bottom line, “when each of us gets up in the morning we both can only put one pair of shoes on one shoe at a time. He could have many more pairs of shoes but that is just icing.”

So the real question is, “When is enough, enough?” 


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Where You Get Your Sense of Self-Worth Tue, 28 Jun 2022 12:00:58 +0000 So many of our difficulties can be entangled with our sense of self-worth — from whether we take care of ourselves with good habits to how we are in relationships to how much confidence we have at work. Think about your biggest difficulties (other than problems at a national or global level) … how many …

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So many of our difficulties can be entangled with our sense of self-worth — from whether we take care of ourselves with good habits to how we are in relationships to how much confidence we have at work.

Think about your biggest difficulties (other than problems at a national or global level) … how many of them could be resolved if you had unshakable confidence in your self-worth? If you felt whole, complete, and incredibly worthy?

You could create and put your creation out into the world with confidence, and even market it to others.

You could launch a business or venture, create an organization to serve others, or teach something you care about.

You could speak confidently in public, put your ideas out there, and stand for yourself. You could set boundaries, express your needs, and take care of yourself.

This all comes from a strong sense of self-worth.

But we are taught from a young age to get our sense of self-worth externally:

  • Praise or validation from others
  • Likes and comments to validate us on social media
  • Accomplishments, awards, rewards
  • Success, wealth, a nice house, nice things
  • Nice clothes, things that make us feel attractive or cool
  • Sex, attracting a mate, interest or attention from others
  • People wanting to spend time with us, showing an interest in us

And so on. The problem with this kind of external validation of our worth is that it is fleeting. Sometimes we’ll get it and feel good about ourselves, and many times we won’t get it and will feel discouraged, rejected, and miserable. And then we’ll seek more external validation because that’s what we know to do when we need to feel better about ourselves.

So … what can we do? We can seek to find our self-worth from within.

This can be a lifetime exploration, but some places you might look:

  • Notice the good in your heart
  • Have compassion for yourself when you’re feeling difficulty
  • Be curious about yourself
  • Try to notice your determination, perseverance, commitment
  • See if you can find your sense of play, joy, and wonder
  • Appreciate how you appreciate things
  • Spend time with yourself, and care about how you feel
  • Give love to yourself and others, and appreciate the love that flows from you
  • Pour yourself into one act, giving all of yourself, and appreciate that as well
  • Keep coming back to a project or habit change effort, even when you fall off
  • Journal, reflect, contemplate, meditate, and find time for quietude and stillness
  • Go on a meditation retreat and explore your inner self
  • Find ways to explore bringing out your joy, divinity, play, curiosity, and more
  • Notice the abundance of love that you have
  • Find wonder at who you are in every moment

Some of these might be challenging — that’s OK! Notice how you respond to challenges and find wonder in that as well. Keep exploring, keep bringing curiosity, keep bringing wonder and love.

What would it be like if you had an abundant sense of self-worth always available to you?

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