
Elementor #2047

Off to Bentonville Chapter 3 Now you might ask, why Bentonville?  Better still, where is Bentonville? Again why?  Well, if you must know, it was for business.  Did not have to be there, could have been accomplished by phone, but my presence was requested; no it was demanded!  If you happen to be unaware, Bentonville …

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Highway to Heaven

Chapter 2 Where was I?  Oh yes, after a splendid lunch in Nashville we headed west digesting all the way.  Now we determined Memphis was going to be our overnight allowing us to partake in the wild festivities of Beale Street.  Now this street was not unfamiliar to us.  Many memories were forged there.  I …

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Honor, Quality, and Service are three words if applied to business would equal Reputation.  Not too far back in our history, this was the cornerstone for a successful business.  Lacking in any one or combination of these qualities had a direct impact on your business standing in the community.  Respect in the community trumped everything …

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Jimmy Stewart’s portrayal of a person questioning his relevance to family, friends, and community in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” should give pause to all of us to ponder the hustle and bustle of lives we lead and ask ourselves; How relevant are we?   I personally never thought in these terms.  I felt …

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One Shoe at a Time

“Perspective “is a simple word. In many ways, an all-encompassing word yet in most cases fails to influence a young person’s mind. When you are young the possibilities of life are boundless.  The bounty of fruit is there for the picking for those driven to partake of its succulent juice.  There is no restriction to …

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