Our Quality Of Life

Stop and Smell the Roses

“Stop and Smell the Roses” was a saying I had heard most of my life, yet I never really appreciated what it meant until later in life.

 In our modern life, it seems we travel along the road of life at high speed.  Everything is at our fingertips. We can work at home or in an office or a combination of both.  We may order online for essentials, even food will be delivered, or a multitude of non-essentials can be dropped at our front door. Let’s face it; we don’t have to move from one spot if we wish.  But how much would we miss in our life?

My catharsis came when I was in my early 40’s.  I had taken my young family at the behest of a friend to join him and his family at this secluded lake located up in the Catskill mountains and, at the time, not far from where we lived.  I was not much of an outdoor person and was just doing it out of friendship and maybe some quality family time.  For some reason, I strayed away and found myself alone, looking across this small lake.  It was towards the end of summer may be more towards early fall or Autumn.  The leaves changed color in a mosaic of yellows, reds, orange, and green.  The aroma of the maple trees permeated my senses, and all of a sudden, I was immersed in the beauty around me.  

What have I been missing I asked myself.  I saw the reflection of these beautiful trees on the still, glass-like water of the lake.  I was taking it all in a way I had never done before.  I was amazed at how I was enlightened as I was seeing the world for the first time that normally I had willingly walked past often in disdain.  I had stopped time for a moment and appreciated all the beauty that was around me.  The magnificence of it all was overwhelming and life-changing.


I was always rushing to the next moment, running into the future searching for success I did not see the fullness of the present.  What a loss and waste of time! 

“Stop and Smell the Roses” I finally understood what it meant and it has made a difference in my life.

My advice if you wish to take it is to stop and look around.  See what you might have missed.  Cherish those around you and care.  And realize life is short and it is worth living to its fullest, the time is now don’t wait.  Smell the roses it is the true sense of success and a life well lived!